Plenary lectures
- Nick Bingham Józef Marcinkiewicz: analysis and probability
- Krzysztof Bogdan Martingale transforms and Fourier multipliers
- Michael Cwikel Another look at the John–Nirenberg inequality for BMO functions
- Tadeusz Iwaniec Harmonic Mappings and the Nitsche Conjecture
- Jean–Pierre Kahane On continuous unimodular functions on the circle
- Nigel Kalton Marcinkiewicz spaces, commutators and non-commutative geometry
- Michael Lacey Two Weight Inequalities for Singular Integrals: Recent Progress
- Rafał Latała Weak and strong moments of random vectors
- Michele Ledoux The geometry of convolution inequalities
- Tomasz Łuczak On families of weakly dependent random variables
- Lech Maligranda Józef Marcinkiewicz (1910–1940) – on the centenary of his birth
- Andreas Seeger Radial Fourier multipliers and interpolation
- Péter Vértesi On the theorem of G. Grünwald and J. Marcinkiewicz
- Marc Yor Small and Big probability worlds